Labor market - yesterday, today and tomorrow Please summarize in one word what was 2020 and one – what could be 2021. 

Joanna Grzegorzewska: 

  • 2020: HOME OFFICE
  • 2021: SURPRISE TOP 3 elements that had the greatest impact on the labor market in 2020 … 

Joanna Grzegorzewska: 

  1. Covid.
  2. New habits, new challenges, change – in some industries– everything stopped, also recruitmentscandidates not willing to consider any offer, not mobile; in others – unemployment, high interest of candidates in getting permanent work. 
  3. New reality, uncertainty –counteroffers, greater awareness of candidates when it comes to potential job change. TOP 3 elements that have the most chance to affect the labor market in 2021 … 


Joanna Grzegorzewska: 

  1. Remote work or work from home as a fixed element of the job offer, not just a benefit; change of legal regulations in this regard. 
  2. Greater openness of candidates to online recruitment, more tools used along in the process.
  3. Change of employer branding activities and its reception from the ‘audience’. Candidates are looking at employer’s response and handling 2020, also when it comes to changes implemented as lessons learnt. What long-term trends do you see in the area of ​​recruitment and communication with the candidate? What will change in recruitment activities? 

Joanna Grzegorzewska: 

  • Online recruitment is here to stay, not as an option but way of work – professionally active people will be familiar with electronic communication tools. 
  • Employer branding activities and events will remain partly in the virtual world. 
  • Onboarding / pre-onboarding for handling better employee implementation – also online. How has the image of EB’s activities changed? How will this affect future initiatives? Where employer should be actively involved in building the brand? 

Joanna Grzegorzewska: This is the time of testing new options – what will work and when it will work, which channels are the best to reach out to potential candidates. Now we must stay visible in online world, so there is a lot of events – from free trainings and webinars to job fairs lasting for few days, accompanied by virtual stands of employers. I already know that online events sponsored by commercially operating organizations often did not bring any effect (a small number of people interested in the event or a poorly designed platform that did not encourage participants to use its opportunities), and student associations and organizations with working network of relations did surprisingly well. What’s more – it is important to plan EB activities upfront and with some time ahead so to attract and approach the right people. In the overwhelming amount of information, people are still hesitating whether it is worth to open the computer again after working hours or not. Let’s look a little further into the future – how will the communication between recruiter – candidate / onboarding / other new processes that may not exist yet – in 10 years look like? 

Joanna Grzegorzewska: I would risk saying that this is not a vision to come in 10 years. It is already happening – knowledge sharing, pre-onboarding and implementation platforms. It is already working. Only the tools will change, but it all depends on the creativity of the creators. In recent years, Arla has made a virtual tour of the office thanks to Google Street View, implemented onboarding platforms on the company’s intranet, and a library of e-learning training courses. Employees who are joining Arla – can participate in the Welcome to Arla online training – every month we gather 60-100 people from around the world. Thanks to the knowledge of English, we can meet Arla colleague from the other part of the world.  

When it comes to the candidate’s contact with the recruiter – each of us knows that it is already „virtual”. We use platforms, social media, text messages, e-mails, video recording platforms, instant messaging and other online communication tools. What is changing is the increasing openness to such solutions and the availability of candidates for the entire world job market, as long as language skills are not an obstacle. Please provide a short comment at the end of our conversation. 

Joanna Grzegorzewska: Work at home and using electronic tools is, for me, associated with greater distraction (children, husband, cat, extra-professional role tasks) and mental and physical fatigue due to work primarily with systems and tools, not in direct relations with colleagues, candidates, suppliers. 

I wonder what the risks of maintaining such habits are, of having to work in this way, if the pandemic situation does not improve. Many people like this approach (work from home) very much, but I personally think that direct interaction with another person adds more and is not exposed to the inconvenience of poor internet, hardware problems, and overuse of digital devices. Repeating after Aronson, we are social animals. We need interaction with people, same as we need to move and rest. For me, 2020 was not a time of „calm work in sweatpants”, but a year of fighting to keep work-life balance. 

